2018 Paving Program - Completed


As the City of Lynnwood continues to grow, the wear and tear on our roads also increases. Our roads are the City’s single largest asset. Chip sealing (or Bituminous Surface Treatment) is a key part of the City’s preservation program to maximize the life of our roads.

Cities and counties across the country use this as a method of pavement preservation. This process was successful in the past on various roads through-out the City (i.e. 46th Ave W, 212th St. SW, etc.). New technology and better mix designs have improved chip sealing products. This has minimized its impacts and maximized its effectiveness. The treatment extends the life of each road by seven to ten years. It provides a new sealed surface, at a fraction of the cost of an asphalt overlay.

Lynnwood thanks you for your support of our streets. We are working hard to use your tax dollars in the most efficient and effective way. We realize chip seal construction process might create some inconvenience. When the work is complete, City roads will be safer and better-maintained.

Chip Seal Information and What you need to know: 

Chip Seal Facts

  • Traditional chip seals often have a rough surface and a tendency to lose chips over time. To reduce the loss of chips an application of more liquid asphalt and smaller diameter chips are used.
  • Chip sealed streets can be driven on almost immediately after the surface is applied. Speed limits of 20 mph or less is ideal to allow the aggregate to set. This will also reduce the chance of loose aggregate damage to vehicles.
  •  After the second sweeping of excess aggregate, about one week after application, normal speed limits are possible.
  • Every phase of chip seal and fog seal require dry weather, and therefore work is dependent on weather.


Advantages to Chip Sealing

  • Small cracks and distresses lead to bigger problems. A new seal prevents water saturation and extends road life.
  • Vehicles can drive on roads shortly after chip sealing.
  • Chip seals are a proactive and cost- efficient preservation process used nationwide.
  • The extension of roadway life can be several years at a very low cost.


What you need to know

  • The City or its contractor will coordinate with your neighborhood on specific dates of chip seal application.
  • Expect short duration's of lane or road closures. Roads can be driven on shortly after application. Flaggers will guide drivers during construction.
  • There will be no parking on streets during chip and fog sealing. These will be temporarily designated as a “No Parking” zone.
  • After a fog seal is sprayed, the roadway will need time to cure. The time is dependent on temperature, humidity and other weather conditions. Please keep vehicles, pets, children and adults off the treated roadway as it cures. This material can be tracked into your home or vehicle.


Construction Process

  • Preparation: Potholes, failing roadway segments, and cracks, are repaired prior to the chip seal process. Low hanging branches and overgrowth is trimmed to allow for the chip seal equipment to navigate the roads.
  • Day 1: A layer of liquid asphalt and aggregate are applied to the existing roadway in a single day. Once the oil is dry, a street sweeper will pick up most of the loose aggregate within one day of application.
  • Week 1: Approximately one week after application, the street will be swept again. An additional layer (fog seal) of liquid asphalt will be applied on the top of the aggregate.
  • Week 2: Approximately two weeks after application, the new surface will be cured. City crews will resume normal street sweeping if loose chips remain.


Project Updates


Various Roads Throughout the City,    View Map

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