Earth Day


The Earth needs you and Lynnwood needs you for Earth Day 2023!

Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day, a day to be thankful for the planet and the amazing natural resources it provides us. It's also a day where we can commit to making small sustainable changes in restoring our planet. We know a lot of small changes can lead to big changes.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 22. 

  • Plant a tree, or two.
  • Start a garden.
  • Pull out invasive plants in your yard or garden and replace them with native ones.
  • Use cloth towels instead of paper ones.
  • Change your paper bills to online billing.
  • You’ll be saving trees and the fuel it takes to deliver your bills by truck.
  • Read documents online instead of printing them.
  • Set your office printer to print two-sided.
  • Reduce your meat consumption to curb carbon emissions from the livestock industry.
  • Compost kitchen scraps for use in your garden — turning waste into fertilizer.
  • Take a shorter or fewer showers – seems an easy one right now!
  • Fix leaky faucets and shower heads.
  • Turn off and unplug electronics you’re not using – this includes turning off your computer at night.
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.

 For more information on Earth Day ideas visit: 


To learn more about the City's Earth Day Drive-Thru event click HERE