Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission

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The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission is an advisory commission of the City of Lynnwood whose duties shall be to provide advice and recommendations to the mayor and city council in regard to the following:

  • Achieving Lynnwood’s Community Vision in regard to being a ‘welcoming city’ and a ‘cohesive community that respects all’ by encouraging cooperation, tolerance and respect among and by all persons who come in contact with the city of Lynnwood (i.e. residents, visitors, employers, employees, etc.).
  • Recommending effective strategies for public engagement, removing barriers, and increasing access to city services for our city’s diverse population.
  • Recommending areas for investing upstream and where needs are greatest, addressing root causes of inequities and lack of access and smartly allocating our public resources, and recommending opportunities for community partnerships as a strategy to better understand and address equity impacts throughout our city.
  • Facilitating the building of relationships with under-served and underrepresented communities and serving as Trusted Messengers to the community at large.
  • Performing such other duties as the mayor and/or city council may direct.
Position # Member Term Expires
Position #1 Heena Ahmed  12/31/2025
Position #2 Lu Jiang - Chair 12/31/2025
Position #3 Freddy Vega 12/31/2024
Position #4 Jeanna Kim 12/31/2025
Position #5 Simreet Dhaliwal 12/31/2025
Position #6 Chelsea Wright 12/31/2024
Position #7  Sodaba Tarshi  12/31/2025
Council Liaison    Nick Coelho 12/31/2024


The Commission consists of seven members who are appointed to serve three-year terms. Members must live within Lynnwood City limits and be a registered voter. The Commission may accept up to two members that reside in the city's municipal urban growth area. Voter registration requirements may be waived for up to two members of the Commission, provided that the individual was born in a country other than the United States of America and the individual is actively working towards obtaining citizenship. There is a preference for city of Lynnwood residents over nonresident candidates.