Online Permit Portal Help Guide

The online permit portal allows users to apply, view and schedule inspections online for all permit applications. View the step-by-step instructions for different services of the online permit portal below in the full user guidebook here(PDF, 20MB). Please note that if you applied for a permit prior to January 10, 2024, you will not use the new Online Permit Center. Please contact us if you need any assist with those applications. 

download online permit portal help guide:

English(PDF, 20MB)
Español/Spanish(PDF, 8MB)
한국어/Korean(PDF, 4MB)

If you are only looking for specific help for the permit portal, please see a variety of step-by-step instructions below.

Public Portal 

The Online Permit Center provides the public with access to view permit applications, permit status and parcel information without creating an account. Follow the step-by-step instructions below for each aspect of the public portal.  

Private Portal - User Account Required

A secured online login account will provide users with many features and the ability to manage all permit applications from one simple dashboard. Follow the step-by-step instructions below for each aspect of the private portal. 

  • Apply for Permit: All aspects of the permit application process can be completed through the dashboard. Follow the five simple steps to submit your application online. View the help guide.(PDF, 558KB)

If you need translated materials please contact our office at (425) 670-5400 or by email at