The Lynnwood Arts Commission supports universal access to diverse arts to enrich our community’s quality of life and economic vitality by:
Our 2023 Cultural Arts Plan(PDF, 1MB)
The Lynnwood Arts Commission is made up of seven volunteer members who serve three-year terms. Members must live within Lynnwood City limits and be a registered voter. The Commission may accept up to two members that reside in the city's municipal urban growth area. There is a preference for city of Lynnwood residents over nonresident candidates.
Check out the Arts, Culture and Heritage page to see our projects like:
Current Projects
2023AC-AnnualReport.pdf(PDF, 1MB) 2022-AC-Annual-Report.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Staff Liaison Fred Wong Email 425-670-5502
Meetings can also be accessed online.
Are you interested in joining the Arts Commission?
Visit our Board and Commission Page to see a listing of our current opportunities and to fill out an application.
Check out our projects: Arts, Culture and Heritage Artist Oppuntunities