The Lynnwood Police Department Citizens Patrol is a group of dedicated and passionate individuals who serve as community ambassadors for the Lynnwood Police Department. Additionally, our Citizens Patrol unit plays a pivotal role in providing essential services to enhance the quality of life for our diverse Lynnwood communities.
Essential duties:
Come join us and together we can build a safer community!
Apply Now
We will contact you to schedule a ride along with an existing volunteer shift. Upon completion of the ride along, we will provide you with a take home Personal History Packet
Once you have completed your ride along shift, we will contact you shortly to schedule a brief interview with our volunteer and staff.
Upon completion of an interview, ride along and personal history packet, we will begin our background check process, e.g. fingerprints, criminal and driving record check, etc.
Once our staff has reviewed your complete application and personal history packet, we will contact you within two weeks with our decision.
Use the Apply Now button below to print out an application. Once you completed the application, you may drop it off at the front desk of the Lynnwood Police Department.
Upon completion of an interview, ride along and personal history packet, we will begin our background check process, e.g. Finger print, criminal and driving record check.
Once our staff reviewed your complete application and personal history packet, we will contact you within two weeks with our decision.
This unique training course is provided by Lynnwood Police Officers and experienced Citizens Patrol members and staff. Potential candidates will acquire the necessary skill set to become proficient in performing all tasks safely and professionally.