City Transportation Planning


The City of Lynnwood is committed to strategic planning of our transportation network. Here's how all the pieces are working together to create a strategic transportation planning network.

City of Lynnwood staff take transportation planning updates to the City Council on a regular basis. Check out the the council meetings to learn and be involved. City Council Meeting Agendas

Public Works: By The Numbers
  • Our Current Stats: 286 Lane Miles = Total estimated value $250 million
  • 205 miles of sidewalks = Total estimated value $125 million
  • 37,992,300 square feet of right-of-way = Total estimated value $75 million
  • 160,000 buttons, 95,000 square feet thermoplastics, 1,000 gallons of paint = Total estimated value $1 million
  • 4,350 traffic signs = Total estimated value $300,000
  • 63 traffic signalized intersections = Total estimated value $30 million
Total Public Works Investment Over $1/2 billion

 Capacity Enhancing Transportation Projects

Multi-Modal Enhancement Projects

Partner Jurisdiction Projects

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Community Transit plans to start a new BRT service (10-minute headways) which run generally East-West along 196th from Edmonds Community College to McCollum Park by 2024.

Sound Transit Light Rail

Extends light rail north to Lynnwood City Center Light Rail Station opening for service in 2024 with plans to extend to Everett.

Sound Transit adjacent Road Improvements

Add two additional lanes along 200th from 48th to 44th by 2024.

City Transportation Planning Programs

Traffic Impact Fees

Private Development Projects which generate additional traffic trips are required to pay fees to the City. The City uses these fees to fund transportation projects. These fees can be as high as $8000 per p.m. peak hour trip. (Generally, we assume that a single family home produces one p.m. or evening peak hour trip)

For detailed information regarding the Traffic Impact Fees please visit the Permit & Impact Fees page.

Transportation Grants

The City has been very successful in receiving state and federal grants to fund transportation projects. In the past ten years alone, the City has been awarded 35 transportation grants for a total of $64 million. 

Modeling and Planning

The city keeps a complex computer traffic model of our street network. The model is calibrated every few years based on multiple traffic count data taken throughout the city to ensure it provides accurate results. The traffic model is used to simulate potential impacts from proposed development projects. The model can accurately predict areas of congestion resulting from the development projects and can also be used to simulate various traffic mitigations such as the addition of new traffic lanes or street connections. Traffic engineers use this data to prioritize future traffic improvements to provide the most amount of benefits to the City’s street system.

Level of Service

In the City’s Transportation Plan, the City has adopted a level of service standard of “E” for its busiest streets. The “E” means that vehicles could experience a delay of 80 seconds at a signalized intersection on an average weekday evening rush hour. This is an average, and at times, it is possible to experience delays greater than 80 seconds. In order to improve this level of service standard, the City would be required to invest significantly more than it currently does into building more transportation projects.

Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC)

The City also participates with the PSRC. PSRC is the regional planning group that “works to ensure a bright future for the region through planning for growth, transportation and economic development.” For more information visit