Stormwater Management Action Planning


Project Description:

The goal of Stormwater Management Action Planning is to meet the 2019‐2024 NPDES Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requirements for the receiving water conditions assessment (S5.C.1.d.i),  prioritization, and complete a stormwater management action plan (S5.C.1.d.ii).  

This effort includes a combination of watershed data analysis for waterways health, water use importance, and stormwater influences. 

Project Goals:

  1. Inventory Lynnwood’s watersheds and waterways
  2. Develop a prioritization method and process to determine which waterways will receive the most benefit from implementation of actions related to stormwater
  3. Develop a plan identifying facility retrofits, land/development management actions, and program enhancements for the highest priority waterway.

Project Timeline:

March-June 2022

  • The City of Lynnwood met permit deadlines completing the Watershed Inventory on March 31st, 2022 and the Watershed Prioritization on June 30th, 2022. The City engaged the public in May and June 2022 with a public workshop, public survey, and project Story Map. Public input helped inform selection of the Scriber Creek Watershed as the high priority watershed. 

February-March 2023

  • The City has developed a Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP). The SMAP identifies actions to help improve conditions in Scriber Creek and Scriber Lake. View the SMAP here(PDF, 6MB)
  • The City hosted a public workshop on March 14th, 2023. Missed the workshop? You can view the recording below, and access the slides to the presentation here.(PDF, 7MB) 




Resource Reservoir:

Watershed Inventory March 2022(PDF, 211KB)

Watershed Prioritization June 2022(PDF, 2MB)

Lynnwood Stormwater Story Map

Lynnwood Stormwater Planning Workshop held June 2nd, 2022

Lynnwood Stormwater Planning Workshop held March 14th, 2023(PDF, 7MB)

Scriber Creek and Lake Improvements Feedback Surve

Middle Scriber Creek & Scriber Lake Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP)(PDF, 6MB)