The Lynnwood City Center Alderwood area is approximately 15% of the City’s land area (1.2 square miles), bordered by I-5 and I-405, and will include two light rail stations as part of Sound Transit’s Lynnwood Link Extension and Everett Link Extension.
The study area is one of 29 Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) designated regional growth centers in the Puget Sound region. Lynnwood’s Regional Growth Center was designated in 1995 and is comprised of two districts: Alderwood to the northeast and City Center to the southwest.
Since the 1990s, established City policy focuses most of the City’s population and job growth within the City Center Alderwood subarea of Lynnwood. The City has adopted plans, policies, and visions to concentrate growth in this area, support public transportation investments, and increase economic development.
The City Center and Alderwood Plan is a continuation of these previous commitments. It will incorporate previous planning efforts (such as City Center Subarea Plan) and will coordinate with new efforts, such as the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update and Sound Transit's Everett Link Extension.
The city has contracted with OTAK to help develop the RGC Plan. The City Center and Alderwood Plan must satisfy the state Growth Management Act requirements (RCW 36.70A) and comply with PSRC Vision 2050 subarea plan requirements for regional growth centers.