PARC Plan 2022 Update


We Want Your Feedback

We have asked community members about their parks and recreation needs to update our ten-year comprehensive plan. We invite you to learn more about the updates we are proposing and provide us with comments. 

What is the PARC Plan?

The PARC Plan is a long-range planning document that works together with the City of Lynnwood Comprehensive Plan and the Capital Facilities Plan to provide goals and an action plan for providing park and recreation services for ten (10) years. The City of Lynnwood is required to update the Parks, Arts, Recreation and Conservation (PARC) Plan every six (6) years to ensure that programs, services, and recreation facilities are meeting the needs of community members.

PARC Plan (2022 Update) - adopted February 14, 2022

The Lynnwood City Council adopted the 2022 Update of the Parks, Arts, Recreation & Conservation Plan by resolution 2022-05 on February 14, 2022. The final plan document will be submitted to the Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office for certification. 


Final DRAFT 2022 PARC Plan Update - published January 5, 2022

The final draft of the 2022 PARC Plan Update incorporating the Online Open House public comments has been published. A SEPA Determination was issued on December 22, 2021 with an appeal period which closed on January 19, 2022. Following SEPA review, staff will present to the Lynnwood City Council in briefings at  January 31 and February 7, 2022 Work Session meetings. Following the work session briefings, staff will seek adoption of the final plan by Resolution by the City Council in February 2022. Visit the City Council webpage for meeting schedules, agendas, and live meeting links.


Online Open House (October 6 - December 6, 2021)

Updates to key areas of the 2016 PARC Plan are now available for review.

You may also refer to the currently adopted 2016 PARC Plan comprehensive plan and appendices or a link to the 11x17 pages.  

What's Changed? 

This update is based on several research projects including: community surveying, a level of service study, a park access study, and a park and trail usage study. The research informed community needs and use of the parks and recreation facilities and services. Major changes are summarized below: 

  • Chapter 1: new section on equity and update to trends and issues
  • Chapter 2: updated population, new section on park system usage
  • Chapter 3: current outreach process
  • Chapter 4: general updates, park inventory table updates, new section for Connect Lynnwood Plan, trail standards update
  • Chapter 4.5: update to level-of-service descriptions, classifications, and calculations
  • Chapter 5: all goals, policies, and action items reviewed with a new section for Human & Community Services 
  • Chapter 6: Capital Facilities Plan list of projects updated
  • Appendices: three new appendices added

Level of Service Study

One of the key elements of the PARC Plan is setting Lynnwood’s Park Level of Service (LOS). In 2016, the City revised its Park LOS from 10 acres/1,000 residents to 3.5 acres/1,000 residents. This reduction was an acknowledgment of how Lynnwood’s population is growing while land availability is shrinking with escalating real estate prices. The PARC Plan also made a recommendation to review LOS more thoroughly and examine alternative methods. As part of the current update, staff – aided by a team of University of Washington Evans School graduate students – set out to examine alternative LOS methods. The Evans School Team has completed its review and published a report with a recommendation to adopt a new LOS standard tied to park access with a future consideration looking at capital asset investment. This report was presented to the Parks & Recreation Board at the June 2, 2021 meeting. To learn more, read the report or watch the presentation under Resources.

PARC Plan Updates Schedule

The PARC Plan was adopted in 2016 and is required to be updated by March 1, 2022. An online open house is open from October 6 - December 6, 2021. The online open house is an opportunity for community members to review the proposed changes and provide comments. Following the open house, staff will present the draft update to City Council for review and adoption by February 2022.


Scriber Lake Park with dog.jpg

If you have questions about this survey, contact Sarah Olson by email. We appreciate your participation. Thank you!